Nauja HOBBYSHOP stalo žaidimų erdvė PLC Panorama

The new HOBBYSHOP board game area in PLC Panorama

We have some wonderful news – the HOBBYSHOP board game space has opened in PLC PANORAMA, Vilnius! So, from now on we will give you even more good emotions! Invite friends, family members and be sure to sit down to play fun games. Here you will find both well-known games and new ones.

The play area is waiting for you on the second floor, next to our shop and Vero Cafe.

The table games area can be used by all visitors of the shopping center free of charge. And in order for everyone to enjoy the games, we ask you to follow these rules:

    • Take the games out of the drawers yourself
    • After playing, put all items neatly back in the boxes and leave the games in the drawers
    • Do not fold, tear or otherwise damage the games
    • Games may not be taken out of the table games area
    • The board games area is for games but not for dining
    • To ask a question about a game or to buy it, you can do it in the nearby HOBBYSHOP store.
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